We are updating our church directory. If you have not been worshipping with us within the last year, could you please call the church office at 715-762-4541 or email us at
peace2you@pctcnet.net with any updates. We would like to keep in touch with our members, however if we do not have the correct information, we are unable to do that. Also please pass this information on to extended family and friends this information. Thank you.
Our service is Sunday at
9:00am We are broadcasting our services
Sunday morning on WCQM 98.3FM at 9:00A.M.
You can listen to the last 3 services by clicking the "Worship Service Past Audio" link in the right hand column.
You can now watch videos of the services as well as see the services streamed by clicking the "Worship Service Video and Streaming" link to the right and following the links.
You can come into the office or call the office on Monday - Wednesday from 7:00 - 4:00. Closed for lunch 12:00 - 12:30. Also open on Thursday from 7:00 - 11:30.
If you call and nobody answers, please leave a message and we will return your call.
God Bless you
We have recently setup a PayPal button to accept donations through
our website. Here is the button for donations:
Peace Lutheran Church in cooperation with St. Paul's, Butternut, sponsors the Lutheran Hour on the Park Falls Radio Station WCQM 98.3 FM at 8:30 AM each Sunday morning. To sponsor one or more weeks of this outreach, sign up in the Radio Broadcast booklet in the narthex of the church or call the church office. Place your contribution of $16 in the offering plate with the envelope marked "The Lutheran Hour". - Thank you.
Peace Lutheran Church broadcasts the Sunday morning service at 9:00 am each Sunday morning on the Park Falls Radio Station WCQM 98.3 FM each Sunday morning. To sponsor "The Radio Broadcast" please sign up in the Radio Broadcast booklet in the narthex of the church or call the church office. Place your contribution of $25 for co-sponsor or $50 for full sponsor in the offering plate with the envelope marked "The Radio Broadcast". Thank you.
Worship Service Video and Streaming.
Pastor Samuel Morsching
Office:(715) 762-4541
email: peace2you@pctcnet.net