- Peace Lutheran Women/LWML
- Women's Bible
- Bible Study - Various Bible studies and times. Call the Peace Lutheran Church for more information.
- Vacation Bible School
- Sunday School - Sunday at 10:15 am Classes are held in the Peace Center for ages three through High School, Sept. - May
- Camp Luther Summer Camping Programs
- Altar Guild
- Prayer Chain
- Quilters
- Youth Groups
High School (Peace Lutheran Youth)- Park Manor Nursing Home Ministry
- Music
Senior Choir
Junior Choir (grades 2nd - 8th)
JOY Group
Joyful Sound Handbell Choir
Instrumentalists and Soloists- Organists - Kristen Kirch, Colleen Patterson
- Music Director - Colleen Patterson
Flowers are a blessing from the Lord and have a wonderful way of enhancing our worship experiences. People wishing to have flowers on the altar are expected to purchase them themselves, personally see to it that the flowers are placed in the designated area on the altar for the worship service, and take the flowers home following that worship service. Please call the church office at 715-762-4541 to find out if the date you want is open. If you would like to inform the congregation about why the flowers are given, and by whom, please see that this information is presented to the church office no later than the Tuesday before the flowers enhance Peace Lutheran's sanctuary.
Monthly Newsletter on your computer
Since receiving positive feedback the monthly
newsletter is now online. This is convenient and saves on
paper, postage and copier charges. Click the Newsletter link
at the top of the page to view the newsletter. A supply of
newsletters is available for pick up at the Peace Center and
the church narthex. Newsletters will be mailed to shut-ins.
If you would like the newsletter emailed to you or for any
questions, please contact Barb at (715) 762-4541 or email here.
Pastor Samuel Morsching
Office:(715) 762-4541