• Peace Lutheran Women/LWML
  • Women's Bible Circles
  • Bible Study - Various Bible studies and times. Call the Peace Lutheran Church for more information.
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Sunday School - Sunday at 10:15 am Classes are held in the Peace Center for ages three through High School, Sept. - May
  • Camp Luther Summer Camping Programs
  • Altar Guild
  • Prayer Chain
  • Quilters
  • Youth Groups
    High School (Peace Lutheran Youth)
  • Park Manor Nursing Home Ministry
  • Music
    Senior Choir
    Junior Choir (grades 2nd - 8th)
    JOY Group
    Joyful Sound Handbell Choir
    Instrumentalists and Soloists
  • Organists - Kristen Kirch, Colleen Patterson
  • Music Director - Colleen Patterson